Wednesday, October 6, 2010

when will i be strong enough? when can all this distance be bridged?

Its becoming all the more stark...

I can't be with anyone right now. I want to so badly. And that's part of why I can't.

Its too incomplete....this search for completeness in another person...

Yet seeing all this unhappiness in the ones I love...its killing me. I just want to be!! I just want to be!!! But its too late, my being depends on someone else now. What do you want from me? Just tell me, please...what will make you happy? I'd give anything if I could make it so. How can I prove to you that I actually care? relationships for me, its all too broken....

It feels like I'm in love with a black hole....maybe I should just let it crush me into nothing...

..........would that take away all this pain?

what can i do................?

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