Wednesday, October 27, 2010

to love

Its not that I don't want to. I do... so much. As I sorta started to say previously, I've become too dependent on the third person created in a relationship - that joint person between the couple involved. Its so funny as I study for grad school I come across all these ideas I came up with, written about by Freud and Jung and other depthy people. Its quite affirming, in a way.

At any rate, I'm incredibly broken right now. The last few weeks made me feel as though I was shattered and sort of put back together, but all deformed with pieces missing.

To properly put myself back together, I have to take it slow. I have to gather up every little shard, and start from the bottom and carefully put all the pieces back together.

I have to go slow, or it'll be wrong, and I will hurt, and those around me will hurt.

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