Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The sun is coming out ?

I finally gave in a d turned off autocorrect. Had a phone session with Lisa today, which helped. I finally am starting to feel a little resolved about the separating from my family idea, which has been botherin me and making me feel even more alone than i already was. I wish so much you lived nearby me, or somehow i could find another worthwhile, real person to be friends with. Nick is a great partner but i really still need a true, real friend to spend time with doing silly, relaxed, sporadic and childish things with.

Im still sort of trying to reach out to jgb but she isnt talkijg to me still, and shes just in such a different place i really dont feel muh of a connection with her anymore at all. Nor with jj or persian or my broher mike or anyone...

Lisa says i need to spend more time working on myself. I guess that thwt means its good i havd time to myself. Sigh.

I know theres a lot of typos, i hate the iphone touchpad. Theres no winning with it. So thst is where i am right now. Just plugging along, doing my therapy work...bouncing between happiness and sadness as always.

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