Saturday, July 2, 2011


Just a real quick thought. I'm starting to figure out how to socialize with normal chicks a bit more, especially at grad school where I feel most comfortable socializing in general these days...

But it still bothers me a lot to do it, at least by the singular effective method I've discovered at this point. It seems like you can build an almost automatic rapport with a woman if you just compliment her in some way about her appearance, especially clothing or jewelry. It is most effective when you then ask them "Where did  you find that?" like you want to know so you can go shop there yourself. And then you have to stand there and listen to their longass story about where they found it and how they just had to have it once they saw it blah blah blah pretend you're interested until they stop but then after you do that BAM you're part of the female circle!

I know its stupid of me to write about this in here right now, in light of all the other things. Its obviously all just a part of my projection about women, esp superficial seeming ones. Which is just caused by my resistance to being that way myself, and my insecurities over acknowledging that I am in fact that way too!

I still don't like gabbering on about where I bought my shoes for long periods of time though. Yeesh. Well, I hope I don't. Maybe I do now, ugh, I'm becoming too feminine, its gross. Constant back and forth this whole process is, huh. Speaking of process...I have to write a paper for my process class tomorrow still. Huh.

Well, this was a good distraction, in multiple ways. HAH...........

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