Saturday, November 24, 2012

The longest week

Groders death was simply the appetizer. The main course came so fittingly on Thanksgiving day. It is so strange because I hardly knew the man, but his death has hit me very hard. It is a strange strange thing to be there for a grieving brother and sister and be the only one not fully grieving. And to be the only one really there for them. Well, of course The Lord is, but I know how difficult it is to feel that when so sad and in shock.

Rest in peace, Jack. I can truly see you were an amazing person. It's unfair that you went so young but you were someone who truly lived a life far fuller than most 36 year olds. I really wish I had been able to spend more time with you, to laugh and play and be silly in ways neither of your siblings tend towards. You were so briefly my brother in law, it breaks my heart to have yet another member of this ragged bit of family I've claimed to be torn away so tragically.

Peace and love, Lord, if it is your will.

I feel so numb..

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