I dont have anything to say, really.
Part of me is so tired of analyzing myself, analyzing my life and the lives around me. Because ultimately I know its quite asinine. Why? Because even if I'm being 100% objective in my analysis (an impossible feat in itself) any tools I use to complete my analysis would be based off of someone else's un-objective theories. Its just switching one pre-supposition for another, no more significant or necessarily true idea about reality.
Where do you stand without any possible truth? Because we stupid puny humans have to stand somewhere, don't we, lest we go insane?
Some hold that we "choose" the meaning in our lives. This is, in a sense, very true. But it is also very horrible, because it still leaves us knowing that the meaning we choose is based on our own entirely subjective desires. How can one hold onto any meaningfulness from their chosen meaning upon recognizing that? It becomes solely driven by ones ego, I guess.
Maybe that's my problem. In rejecting the significance or worthiness of my ego I have rejected my ability to accept any meaning in my life based upon its desires.
Well, I still don't like Mr. Ego, its not for me. That is making some meaning I know... but really, it is inevitable not to. Which is why some choice is good, I guess? If you can use the inevitable choosing to choose something outside the realm of human choice? That would be the only solution. And we really can't do that, we can't choose outside the realm of human choice can we? Which is why we need something outside the realm of human choice to choose it for us.
I'm a very lazy philosopher. I think my brain is only firing on one side today. And maybe only half of that side. C'est la vie.
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