Monday, November 7, 2011

Counting the days...

I don't know if that link will work. I'm in another restless mood. Hung out with jj and Persian the last couple Days. And I come home and I'm just sondrained. Its like I can't be interested in anybody after too much exposure. I am too depleted. It always worries me though when this sort of thing happens, because then I wonder, how everlasting are any of my emotional ties to any of these people I know and supposedly love? Am I just incapbake of loving anyone permanently??? I don't know. I guess the problem again lies within my own lack of self knowledge and unity. There's no way I can love others if *I* can't figure out who what or where the I is. It's a scary thought, especially in forming close relationships with others. Its a terrible terrible thought in that sense, and I really hope there's a lot more to it than I curretly see... There must be. I am so blind, the more inthink about things thr less I know, you know yadda yadda..

...also...even after spending two days with jj and Persian and today with nick...I just feel so alone. Empty...almost. What the heck is going on? I have no idea. Really. Restless...

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