Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hufffffff and doooown!!!


Ok so I am typing on my brand new iPad 2 right now! It's a bit easier than the iPhone at least although my actual keyboard hasn't arrived yet and I still cannot stand touch screen keypads for long periods of typing. It's just not comfortable for my fingers. I am very much a tactile typer. A lot of little glitches in the software for this thing are still making me hesitant about whether or not this was the right purchase. Text selection in particular is proving difficult or tedious in different ways. I wish there was a way to use an actual mouse on the iPad but I have heard there isn't. That is a massive bummer. But I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't solve the problem even with a mouse I dunno. Sigh.

Most of today I felt so great. Uplifted, really. Back to myoldawesomelevel of positivity and energy, something's haven't felt in a long time.... But now I am back down again. I feel so isolated up here. It is quite hard living alone with Vampy. Tonight I tried to open a bottle of wine and after struggling with it for around 15 minutes I asked him to help and though he succeeded in opening it it released a lot of wine due to the pressure I guess and some of it got on his sweatshirt. It seems as though that was just the last straw for him and he shut himself away in his room again.... And the day had been going somewhat well between us.... I don know if I can put up with all this all on my own. I know he doesn't mean to stress me out or make me feel really bad when things like this happen but it seems inevitable nd it always happens.......... And now I just feel so alone again. So alone. I gave up my whole life for this man and he can't even be with me all the time. A lot of the time, it feels like lately....

I'm an idiot.

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