Wednesday, November 23, 2011

(train noises)

Very tired at the moment. I definitely tend not to write in here uses I want to expell some amount of negativity from my system. I'll try And be more balanced.
Oh and I got the wrong keyboard for my iPad it turns out the stupid things one of those rubber or plastic deals and there is no say my crazy nimble 120+ wpm fingers can work with that nonsense! Look at my high horse! Nyah nyah!

Slwoly tryin to work my way back into an actial relationship again with my mom , still dot feel quite ready but closer...

The last few days I've again had An amazing energy holding me up thru any storm . It is a small symb of who I am growing into , or who I would like to grow into. A superwoman who can do it all and give give give with minimal given other ken return or whatever....

Anyway I'm so sleepy falling asleep as I wrote this on my iPhone g
Again nnn

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