Wednesday, December 29, 2010

in a time and a place where I had to bite my lip....

I am so glad to be done with those papers... ugh I feel really bad about the way my Freud one panned out though. Some of my classmates posted theirs on facebook and they were sooo much better than mine. Ahh.I'm still kinda in a post frantic paper writing daze... I really have to avoid getting that stressed about things ever again with this stuff, and the only way to avoid that is to actually do my reading....

Things feel better mostly right now again. I think maybe I've perhaps finally worked through some of the things that were causing me the most amount of depression and anxiety.

Of course I'm still not perfect....Its weird theres this one stretch of freeway that for years now has been a panic attack inducing area for me to drive through. Usually late at night but I think its even freaked me out during the day.  It happened again last night on my way home.... but I worked through it a lot better than before...

Anyway I got stuffs to do...

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