Its been one of those weeks that feels both fast and slow at the same time. Whuuuf. Some stress, but not a lot. I've started to be able to etch out a nice little spot for my emotional/mental state to live in most of the time now, which is a definite improvement over what had become my normal rollercoaster typhoony sort of state.
Something that I've been thinking about lately is just how much our already experienced life experience rules how we deal with the continuation of said experience. Uh, I probably could say that better. What I mean is just how much the past gets in the way of our present experience. Specifically what I've been pondering a bit is how we work with whatever we've been dealt, and how the quality of our experiences really determines how we perceive the world.
People that have just had mole hills to deal with see them as mountains. People who've had mountains, well, they see them as mountains until bigger ones come along, then I'd imagine those first ones start lookin more like mole hills. And the actual mole hills hardly even register on their radar. People who've got mountains probably look at the people with mole hills as fools...or just naive. Or inexperienced. Iono. What do those fools think of the people with mountains though? Admiration? For me, I think its that, along with just not being able to completely comprehend it.
But then, everyone's experience is by default gonna be different, so are the mountain people really more experienced in life in general? Doesn't seem like it necessarily is that way. They're just more experienced with a different end of the spectrum. Its like people that actually climb mountains in real life versus the people that have never done so. So maybe they deal with molehills and mountains, and maybe it seems like theyve gone through more than the folks just with the molehills....but...theres not just one type of molehill either. No ones just one way or another, their experience varies too much. Theres not just one type of mountain either; the little one out behind the house versus Kilimanjaro..... Diversity doesn't necessarily end at just molehill and mountain. Ehh...i've suddenly really tired of this topic...................ghuuhhh....
Maybe I'm just making crap up anyway... doin some of my own mole hillin'... I'm gonna stop now.
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