Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I paid my dues....

Writing on my iPhone again...I think I'm getting more used to this thinger.... Vampy thinks apple Inc could potentially become the mark of the beast at some point, as there are some similarities with apple products and the things described in revelation. I must say the idea of using your phone to Pay for things still kinda creeps me out.

Anyway, it is very stressful trying to be independent. Money becomes such a huge stressor. I am fortunate to have some loan money leftover as well as access to vampy aide. But many bills to start worrying about on top of te entire change of environment, plus new job, new commute, new year of school just about to start (which as always I am so underprepared for), new life many new things to get adjusted to. St the end of each day I'm exhausted physically (ugh so out of shape) and mentally and emotionally. But heck this is probably what being an adult is like right? Part of me knows I can handle all of his stuff just fine, so even with the exhaustion I am already seeing how easy I can let it all least sometimes. I guess all of my own personal crazies and anxieties can't just disappear overnight anyway...and sometimes those things combined with all the normal adult hints I'm starting to take on can really become too much. I've had moments now where I could see myself be

Becoming an alcoholic. iPhones messin again. So imma stop now just to keep it easy...

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