Wednesday, June 6, 2012

guess I'm in love with always feelin down.

Great band this, just discovered it through an old radio station connection, of course.  Good times, I miss that. I miss my ratties a lot too. I miss animals! We go on walks and pet all the neighborhood kitties that will approach us. I stole one away for a little once and brought it inside our apartment even, haha.

Money issues like crazy. We have a deadline. If I can't find work in the next couple of weeks, no later than the end of June, we have to move back down. Probably to the SB area to live with his mom and sister and brother again, which would be a...crazy endeavor.

And oral exams are happening June 15th! And I have a paper due right at that time too!

I chickened out on getting antidepressants... Sigh....I still wonder though, should I? My insurance runs out in August though, doesn't seem smart to get hooked on something with that kinda deadline approaching.

I'm not gonna let this money stuff get me down. I'm determined. Just gotta keep my eyes and my heart and my mind focused on what really matters....loving God. :)


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