Wednesday, May 11, 2011

keep on truckin'

Exhausting day. Drove an hour and a half north to do one measly practice session, but hopefully it was worth it. It was nice to spend some time with my father as well.

Pressure for school work coming up. still haven't studied nearly enough for my DSM exam coming up in a week and a half. The idea of memorizing 3/4 of the DSM has been so daunting i've avoided even trying. Great strategy, of course, definitely a winner.

Other things on my mind lately have also stopped me from doing more of my work... did get through one whole reading assignment though, and have been doing my online course work. But i realyl need to find a traineeship site. They are all filling up so quickly. Just found anotehr place in Simi I am going to try and apply at.

So much sadness. Pain.

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