Tuesday, May 10, 2011

forever falling

I have to keep remembering that I've chosen most of what I'm dealing with now. Not the stuff I was hypnotized over, not that. The newer stuff. All this pain that I don't have to deal with, but am dealing with. So much pain. Sheer agony. And I'm choosing it for a damn good reason. At least one good reason, maybe more. And its a selfish one too. I need this pain. Its like when you work out at a gym and get sooo exhausted/overworked because your body doesn't want to strain itself. Part of me doesn't want to strain myself with this either, but I'm just gonna burn through that resistance and keep going. I'm gonna get through all this pain, strengthening myself through this trial until the pain no longer has a hold on me.

And then just think of what might be possible.

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