Sunday, January 30, 2011

who needs forever?

Be still my ----
And close your eyes
Don't say a word
No hows or whys

Everything I need, within me
All the dreams I've dreamed, are true
And all the starry skies, inside me
When I'm next to..........

Back and forth....back and forth..........


...........Lets live this moment 
Like its the last........................

Vague           vague          vague         Vague          vague          vague        Vague



I really have no idea. Of my own worth, of any others worth. Of any relationships worth. It feels like my rug keeps getting shakin out before any dirt can pile up in it. Ugh, what a terrible metaphor. Its like those auto-cleaning bathrooms in europe - every time someone poops in one and they leave then its automatically cleaned??? No thats even worse!! AGH!!!! It makes it sound all wrong. Thats not what I mean.....Darnit! 

I kinda just feel like theres no point in trying to have a relationship at all. Its like... just not ever gonna be the way I want it. How can I be with someone else so completely in the way I desire when I can't even be that way inside myself? Sigh, that old tired argument again. ,.......

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