Wednesday, October 23, 2013

ranch style

Twip twip twip...

Oh man oh man oh man oh man....just...


This job is so ridiculous. Pretty sure most jobs aren't supposed to be THIS stressful... at least thats what it feels like...who am I to judge? I dont know really my experience is limited. Its basically set up for me to fail at... in so many ways. From the top down I'm the one left to pick up the pieces and take the fall if a client or funding source is unhappy with our services. Stupid people I supervise gossiping and trying to sabotage my relationship with their client as soon as I don't meet their every little need which is IMPOSSIBLE with the amount of work being shoved on me from the administrators. Bleh... it gets to a point where I either collapse and die or collapse and just shut down stop caring and let things snowball into an even bigger mess because there is absolutely no way anyone with ANY amount of life outside the job could take care of independently. No training given, not even vague instructions just heres this DO IT and this and this and this while you're at it - oh don't forget about this! I'm just floating over here 40 miles away from all the other staff in my position to ask for help unable to reach anyone when I need them just kind of flying by the seat of my pants trying to act like I know anything about this field of psychology and use that false knowledge to implement entire treatment plans for often severely disabled children and hope that their parents don't know more about ABA than I do otherwise I'm screwed!!!! Oh and while I'm at it I need to write all these fancy scientific reports that also prove I know what the heck I'm doing...just copy and paste from other reports and turn in and get criticized when I forget things... ridiculous...

All I know is all the other jobs I've had up to this point did not feel nearly as overwhelming as this one. And thats saying something because I am pretty easily overwhelmed with new things.

Oh well, I guess I just needed a place to vent. Gotta go run off and sub for a new client that just had two bts quit hours before the program was supposed to start....oh and then class later? Two quizzes to do? 7 different reports to write? 2 new treatment programs to sort out? Meetings and consult hours with clients? Yeah, I can do all that  by friday. No problem. PFFT

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