Friday, September 14, 2012

PBCx3 = Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, and Coffee

Its a strange feeling the day after you do a 12 hour overnight shift. Everything is kind of hazy, sort of like a hangover. It is almost impossible to go back to sleep at 10am the following day when you get home, so you just try and pretend you partook in the hemisphere-wide tradition of sleep that breaks apart the days. Its a bit hard to be positive, I suppose. Its actually a bit hard to be anything in particular. Funny how easy our perception changes, even the smallest differences in our day to day activities, or a little twist of change spotted in here and there on the calender...can really effect everything.

Even more reason why it seems impossible to trust anything forged first within the minds of men. Although, technically I guess nothing would, no I'm not actually sure on that. Well, it would be impossible to know for sure I suppose. Bleh, I've come to some slight realization that such debates are a waste of time.

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