Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I keep thinking about my ugly face...

Why didn't I listen to my orthodontist and get my teeth fixed and my jaw pulled forward while it was still growing!? Now I'm stuck this ugly disgusting way, doomed to get uglier and uglier as I age. I'm going to end up looking like a troll soon..if I don't already. I don't want to smile anymore because smiling deforms my face. I'm only pretty if you look at me head on and my mouth stays closed. It's not bdd this time. I know exactly what I look like. Sure I'm pretty from the front view, but turn me to the side and you can see my nasty disgusting features. It's shocking, and whatever beauty was glimpsed from the front is forgotten, overwhelmed by the sheer reality of my freaky long nose protruding over a tiny a wrinkled oopossum or something.

I wish I could get cosmetic surgery...

I guess it's good I apparently have an attractive personality...because there is hardly anything physically attractive about me. No boobs, no good legs, and he rest is negligible really, not bad but nothing special. There's nothing really pleasant about my appearance. Maybe I will get surgery. At least help with the recessed chin. And braces I guess...yea if I could do those two things I think I could feel beautiful. I kinda like my nose shape but it's just my chin is too small....sigh I'm just gonna dwell on it forever. It was better when I had some false perception of how I looked because then i could tell myself oh no dot believ that you're beautiful you just can't see it. But I don't think that's it anymore. Im disgusting. Just gross gross gross gross gross gross grosssssssssssssssssss I just want to die or live in a pitch black cave where no one can see my face ever again.
Ugh I'm so stupid.

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