Wednesday, April 13, 2011

pink eye with a pink shirt and pink things

I think I might be getting pink eye. Its about time, I've had these terrible contacts for a year or so and have been constantly touching them whilst wearing them in order to keep them in focus. Plus, JJ and evan both got it back when they had strep throat. I never got diagnosed with it but im pretty sure i had a low level variation of it. And theres still bacteria in  the back of my throat on my tonsils that probably made its way into my eyeball by now...

I asked my optometrist about em once early on and she said they were my only option at this point, unless iw anted to switchto glasses. I had to take one of em out tonight so I'm typing this with one good eye. Seriously my vision has gotten significantly worse over the last year, at least. I can't see anything when i close my contact-laiden eye, its all just a colored blur. at least before i remember i couldve seen the line where the text was... no more. ah well. Good times.

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