Monday, April 11, 2011

babaduhbuhduh BABADUHBUHDUH

Trying to keep myself together these last few days or week or whatever since my last appointment with Lisa. It was a difficult one for a multitude of reasons. Finally starting to take my flower essences more regularly. I'm taking Lisa more seriously about how I might be imbalanced mood-wise. I think I've always had the mood swingy thing but it has probably been more extreme since K last year as I fought to break whatever mental chains he threw over me... and that I think I still in part am fighting. I can't blame all of it on him though.

Writing this Jung paper has been fun, doing some dream analysis work. I'll probably post parts of it on here when I'm finished, because its fun and interesting to me.

After I finish this paper (which is due by post office closing time today! haha) I hope to start taking even more care of myself. I haven't exercised in weeks and its awful. Diet is slowly getting better...though I think I have also developed a bit of an eating  disorder. More of a binge purge thing. I gorge on snacks after not eating for most of the day... gotta nip that in the butt quick!

Anyway back to paper writing...................................................

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