Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Run. You better run. You better run for your life.

Heard a shout of someone calling....strange and darkness.

What an absolute desensitizing few weeks it has been. Everything is different, except for the really important things.

I'm not in a very reflective mood because of this, but I feel as though I should be recording something in here for some reason.

Perhaps since my recent entry about the lack of proof for reflection-efficacy I've stopped doing it without realizing it (but of course I wouldn't realize it, without reflection...).

Or perhaps I've just been too busy to stop and think.

My brain is being rewired.

Is it?

Yes. Of course. Not. Too much. To say. I think. Possibly. I'm out.

Things seem more intense and less complicated all at once. Or more complicated and less intense, I can't tell, my brain seems to be receiving these constant pulses of energy out of nowhere. I stare straight ahead and my vision ebbs and flows around my peripherals.

All of this new terminology, a new set of rules to live by, to practice, to perceive, and to pass on to those around me. Is this what I want? Where will the current me go when future me takes over?

Past me is so close to her final rattle of death, just a few fingers grasp the plastic strings hanging down from above, flaxen and straw like, a mask of gaunt and shadow stretching in the dark...

No, please, no. What comes after death?

Green; new life.

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