Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A little older, a little wiser....

Running, dancing, shoes skipping against 
a lip of water,
wind and waves converge, 
Rushing in and out 
Salty air moving in your lungs, 
Inhale, exhale,
Deeper, wider...

 I feel like a neutron star
Collapsing in upon myself,
Denser, dimmer; 
An eternal stasis: alive, hiding;

Chaos ebbing, 
A diminishing tide...

And yet...
Here I am, 
a little older, 
a little wiser...
Placid and glowing;

Love shimmering on a receding wave, 
Burning in the ashes of the sun 
Hiding behind the horizon
Hugging the curve of a waning moon
Feeling the roundness of the earth beneath my feet...
I am alive, but different...

Happy New Year.