An idea I would like to explore further soon is one that has been slowly percolating in my mind over the last few weeks, with all of the political and social upheaval upon us. Such seemingly polar opposites in terms of attitudes about how the world should be run....
But really, the problem is not one choice system or the other, rather, it is the underlying motivations or desires that drive humanity at an individual level. History shows us over and over that all political systems ultimately end up with corruption. So what is it that is corrupting them?
Obviously, it is us.
Until human beings are incorruptible, everything we propagate will become corrupted. It is intrinsic to our very cores to use any source of power to our own selfish advantage, and those who obtain this power will inevitably cause great damage from this selfish motivation.
Ideally, our world would be one with economic, cultural, and political freedom, but with innate and 100% agreed upon innate values of personal responsibility and compassion towards others.
Hmm..... feels like an incomplete thought. I will keep on percolatin'.