Sunday, September 25, 2016

This is my story, this is my song

Do you realize who it is, you are seeking for?

Do you, realize?

How can you be so flippant?

How can you ignore it so ?

A parent to its child.

Is seeing always believing?

Or do we see what we believe ? 

And if one thing we see is just what we believe, how do we determine which is real and which is fake ? Consensus? Do all square pegs fit into the same square shaped holes? 

So what is truth?

Is the only hope to seek outside of ourselves for the answers ? 

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Too many voices inside my head
Telling me what is best
Take out the trash, 
Don't be crazy!
What do YOU want?
What is wrong with right here?
How come you can't let go?
Don't treat me like that!
Please, just stop this endless suffering.
What good will come of any of it?
How could you let this happen?
Who are you even?
Just do as you should.
Just do as you should.
This is what you should want.
Don't let them win!
Don't leave me!
It's over. Give up.
If you bend you're gonna break! 
Watch as I break you.
I can't believe you would betray me like this.
Get out of my sight you hideous, sniveling thing!
Keep telling yourself you're in control and it'll be true..
I miss you...
Do what's best for you! 
But what about me?
I'm so frustrated and it's all your fault.
Who will tell me who I am?

How can I separate my voice from amidst such a din?

What do I want? What do I really want ?

Will I ever truly know?

Can I? 

Should I? 

Leave it alone, leave it alone, leave it alone....

Let the emotions settle down so you can think. 

Too much too much too much...